Sunday, November 23, 2008

On Thankfulness and Generosity

"Thankful people are generous people; We, of all people, ought to be the most thankful." Our pastor, Jim Laird said this morning. He went on to point out that we have so many things to be thankful for that all else is negligible.

So I thought I would list some of those things.

  • Family and friends who love us. Coming from a large family, and being a member of the FGBC gives me a huge list of these. The only problem with that is that I am not able to dedicate to each of you the time I would love to.
  • Salvation. Just this morning our Sunday School teacher was reminding us of the security we have in our relationship with Jesus, because it is not based on our merits, but rather on the finished work of Christ on the cross. We don't have to "justify" our own salvation. Jesus has done so by means of a "declaration of righteousness" guaranteed by His blood.
  • Jobs. We have been so blessed as a family in this area. Not only have we had steady, secure jobs, but as a general rule they have been enjoyable. How many do not have this privilege.
  • A nation with a government that is stable. Even when we do not always agree with what goes on, we can be sure of one thing. Our nation is as stable as a free nation can be, and for that we are thankful. Many nations have greater stability, but it is based on lack of individual freedom, and in many cases on oppression.
  • Food clothes and a roof over our head. The Scriptures challenge us to be content if we have those three things. In fact, I actually added one, because the roof is not mentioned. However, we have much much more, and I am thankful for these.
  • God's Word in our own language and the freedom to read, study, and obey it.

Having so much to be thankful for, we ought (owe it) to:

  • Tell others about the righteousness they, too can enjoy by trusting Christ as their Savior.
  • Communicate with our family and friends. (Oh, how miserably I have failed in this area!)
  • Seek to do our best at our jobs, not only for enjoyment's sake, but also to glorify God.
  • Pray for our leaders. They are not perfect, and we may dislike their ideologies, but we can ask for Divine Intervention in their lives, and for wisdom for them.
  • Conserve as much of what God provides, and then strive to share with those in need. As a nation, we will sooner or later pay for our wastefulness.
  • Read, study and obey God's inspired Word, not as a great piece of literature, but as what it is... His lifebreath exhaled for our benefit, and meant for our good at all times, not only when it suits us!!!

May this THANKSGIVING Season bring to our rememberance many more reasons for thanks and ways to be generous.

1 comment:

Mike and Elizabeth Williams said...


I've been very blessed being part of your family, and to have my name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. I added Galatians 2:20 to the title of my blog:
